This is a complete list of spells as they are used in the Realmz 2.0 RPG scenario driver. This is a text only version for those of you who cannot open the MicroWord forma
First Level Magic User Spells:
Detect Magic: This spell will reveal all items that have magical properties. It can be cast during combat or while collecting treasure. It will not give specific information about magical items.
Enchanted Blade: Will cause the target to cause more damage during combat. The target does not need to possess a weapon. It will cause even those that are using their bare hands to cause more damage.
Feather Fall: Will allow the party or individuals to descend a long distance without taking damage.
Identify: This spell will reveal specific information on an item. Casting it while in the items screen will cause the true nature to be revealed of the selected item.
Jump: Allows the party to jump over tall objects.
Knock: Will open a lock. This spell will not always work. It depends on the complexity of the lock and the power level of the spell.
Light: Will cause a magical flame to illuminate dark areas.
Shield: Protection against physical attacks.
Spider Climb: Allows the party to scale sheer surfaces as if they were spiders.
Second Level Magic User Spells:
Detect Secret: Increases the chance the party will detect a secret area.
Dig: Will allow the party to dig a hole by magical means.
Invisibility: Makes the target invisible. Invisible creatures can move away from enemies during combat without the penalty of being attacked.
Itching Skin: Decreases the ability of the target to hit during combat.
Levitate: Allows the party to hover over or float over a pit or chasm.
Limited Blink: Allows the caster to teleport during combat. The PC’s move is over after teleporting.
Protection From Evil: Makes the target more difficult to hit for evil creatures.
Third Level Magic User Spells:
Arcanic Bubble: Allows the target to absorb spell points from spells that affect the target.
Dispel Magic: Removes all non-permanent magical effects on the target.
Fly: Allows the party to fly for a short time.
Haste: Will increase the targets movement and number of attacks during combat. This spell will age the targets 30 days x Power Level of the spell.
Hold Portal: Will magically seal a door or portal.
Magic Screen I: Renders the targets completely immune to 1st level spells.
Slow: Reduces the movement of the targets.
Water Breathing: Allows the party to breath water as if it were air for a short time.
Fourth Level Magic User Spells:
Improved Arcanic Bubble: Same as Arcanic Bubble with improved targeting options.
Locate Object: Allows the party to locate an object.
Magic Screen II: Renders the targets completely immune to 2nd level spells.
Magic Shield: Renders the targets completely immune to 2nd level spells.
Minor Attack Deflector: Causes all physical attacks to be reflected and be inflicted on the attacker 33% of the time.
Power Drain: Causes the target to loose spell points.
Power Surge: Causes the target to gain spell points.
Remove Curse: Removes a curse from the target and allows a PC to remove an item that is cursed.
Silence 15’ Radius: Affected targets will be unable to cast spells during combat.
Fifth Level Magic User Spells:
Blink: Allows the caster to teleport during combat while still allowing him to perform some action. The action must be physical. No spell casting can be performed after blinking.
Charm Humanoid: Affected targets will change their allegiance to that of the caster, thus fighting for the caster instead of against.
Cure Light Wounds: Heals damage.
Magic Screen III: Renders the targets completely immune to 3rd level spells.
Minor Spell Deflector: Spells cast on those affected by this spell will reflect and affect the caster instead 33% of the time.
Monster Summoning I: Will cause creatures to appear to fight for the caster during battle.
Power Gather: Will cause the target to accumulate spell points at an accelerated rate.
Power Wither: Will cause the affected targets to loose spell points each round during combat.
Wizard Eye: Allows the caster to see in his mind special things.
Sixth Level Magic User Spells:
Charm Monster: Same as charm humanoid, only this will charm monsters as well as humanoids.
Cure Serious Wounds: Heals damage.
Fear: Causes those affected to run away during battle.
Magic Screen IV: Renders the targets completely immune to 4th level spells.
Major Attack Deflector: Improved target options for Attack Deflector.
Monster Summoning II: Summons stronger creatures than MS I.
Move Earth: Moves earth. Moves more than dig.
Portable Hole: Causes an inter dimensional rip to open up. Anything that falls in will be forever lost.
Seventh Level Magic User Spells:
Cure Critical Wounds: Heals damage.
Magic Screen V: Renders the targets completely immune to 5th level spells.
Major Spell Deflector: Improved targeting options for spell deflector.
Mass Charm: Allows the caster to charm a large area Vs. specific targets.
Mass Invisibility: Allows the caster to case everyone within a large are to become invisible.
Mass Sleep: Causes everyone in a large area to Save Vs. Mental or fall asleep.
Monster Summoning III: Summons stronger creatures than MS II.
First Level Clerical Spells:
Bless: Those affected will be harder to hit in battle and will hit their own targets more often.
Cure Light Wounds: Heals damage.
Detect Magic: Will reveal during combat or during treasure collection if items are magical in nature.
Fearful Thoughts: Those that do not Save Vs. Mental will run away during combat.
Feather Fall: Allows the party to descend down pits and cliffs without taking damage.
Hold Humanoid: Those that do not Save Vs. The Caster will be held in place and be helpless.
Light: Creates a magical flame that will illuminate dark areas.
Protection From Cold: Reduces damage taken by cold based spells by 1/2.
Protection From Heat: Reduces damage taken by heat based spells by 1/2.
Vorpal Plate: Will make those affected harder to hit in battle.
Second Level Clerical Spells:
Charm Humanoid: Those that do not save will change alliance to that of the caster.
Cure Blindness: Cures Blindness.
Cure Disease: Cures Disease.
Cure Poison: Cures Poison.
Cure Serious Wounds: Heals damage.
Detect Secret: Will increase the parties chance of finding secret or hidden areas.
Dumb Struck: Those struck dumb will not be able to cast spells.
Invisibility: Invisible PC’s or monsters can move away from enemies without being attacked from behind.
Itching Skin: Those affected will have a reduced chance to hit their opponent during combat.
Shield From Projectiles: Those affected will be immune to normal missiles such as arrows, darts, etc...
Silence 15’ Radius: Will cause all those in an area to save or be silenced. Those affected cannot cast spells.
Strength: Those affected will have an increased chance to hit during combat and the damage done will be increased.
Third Level Clerical Spells:
Confuse: Those affected will done one of several things each round they are affected. They may run away, attack friends or foe or they may just stand around in total dismay for that round.
Dispel Magic: This spell will remove all non-permanent spell affects on those it is cast on.
Limited Blink: Allows the caster to teleport during combat. The casters round will end after teleporting.
Minor Attack Deflector: Causes all physical attacks to be reflected and do damage to the attacker 33% of the time.
Protection From Electrical: Reduces all damage done by electrical bases attacks to be reduced by 1/2.
Psi Shield: Reduces all damage done by mental bases attacks to be reduced by 1/2.
Remove Curse: Removes and cursed items the target may be wearing.
Sleep: Causes those that do not save to fall asleep and be helpless.
Slow: Reduces movement to those affected during combat.
Vorpal Shield: Reduces damage taken by those affected by 5pts per attack. Any attack will still do at least 1 point of damage.
Fourth Level Clerical Spells:
Animate Dead: Will cause dead PC to become animated, (Like a Zombie). They will not gain any experience while animated and cannot use spells or missile weapons.
Cause Blindness: Will blind those that do not save making them blind. This will greatly hinder them during combat.
Cure Critical Wounds: Heals damage.
Entangle: Will cause magical tendrils to entangle anyone moving in an area thus removing there movement.
Fear: Those that do not save will run away during combat.
Globe of Invulnerability: Will cause the caster to be immune to spells up to the fourth level.
Haste: Increases movement and attacks of those affected. Also ages 30 days for every power level of the spell.
Hold Monster: Same as hold person but will affect any creature, not just humanoids.
Minor Spell Deflector: Will cause spell affects to be reflected and affect the caster 33% of the time.
Poison: Poison those that do not save.
Protection From Evil 15’ Radius: Will make those affected more difficult to hit in combat by evil creatures.
Fifth Level Clerical Spells:
Blink: Same as limited blink, only the caster will be able to perform some physical action afterward. No spells can be cast from memory after blinking.
Charm Monster: Same as charm humanoid, only this spell will charm any creature, not just humanoids.
Cure Wounds: Heals damage.
Disease: Will cause those affected to be diseased and take damage until a cure disease spell is cast on them.
Enchanted Blades: This will cause those affected to do more damage in combat. It is not necessary to have a weapon to gain this benefit. Even those that use their bare hands will do more damage.
Major Attack Deflector: Same as minor attack flector but with improved targeting ability.
Mass Invisibility: Will cause those over a large area to become invisible.
Stone Shape: Will cause a limited amount of stone to reshape into the shape the caster desires.
Wall of Paralysis: Will create a wall of stunning magic that will paralyse those that do not save.
Sixth Level Clerical Spells:
Flesh To Stone: Will cause the flesh of the target to turn to solid stone. This will kill any creature. The only way to bring back a PC from this condition is to have stone to flesh cast apron them.
Major Spell Deflector: Same as minor Spell Deflector, but with improved targeting abilities.
Minor Gate: Will summon creatures from the great void to battle for the caster during combat.
Part Water: Will allow the caster to part a limited size pool of water to allow the party to traverse the bottom.
Raise Dead: Will resurrect a dead PC. The PC must still be successful on their percent chance for resurrection. If they fail they will pass away forever.
Ray of Weakness: Drains a large amount of spell points from the target.
Stone to Flesh: Will cure the affliction of flesh to stone.
Teleport: Will allow the party to teleport to an area they have been before.
Seventh Level Clerical Spells:
Improved Arcanic Bubble: The same as arcanic bubble but with improved targeting.
Improved Power Drain: The same as power drain but with improved targeting.
Major Gate: Same as minor gate but will summon stronger creatures.
Mass Charm: Will attempt to charm every creature over a wide area to be friendly to the caster.
Power Drain: Will drain the target of a massive amount of spell points.
Power Work Stun: Will cause the target to become helpless.
Regenerate: Will cause those affected to regenerate stamina during combat. This spell will also work on those with elven blood.
Sentry: When sentry is in effect the party will not be suprised by random battles.
Spirit Drain: Will cause the target to loose a large amount of spell points every combat round.
First Level Enchanter Spells:
Bark Skin: Those affected will have physical damage reduced by 5 points/attack. Any successful attack will still do at least 1 point of damage.
Detect Magic: Will show if any objects worn by enemies or objects during the collection of treasure are magical in nature.
Enchanted Blade: Will cause those affected to do more damage in combat. Those affected do not need to have a weapon in order to receive this benefit.
Fairy Fire: Will make those affected easier to hit in combat.
Limited Blink: Will allow the caster to teleport during combat. The casters turn will be over after blinking.
Protection From Chemical: Halves all damage from chemical based attack against them reduced by 1/2.
Protection From Electricity: Halves all damage from electrical based attack against them reduced by 1/2.
Silence 15’ Radius: Those affected will not be able to cast spells.
Ventriloquism: The caster can throw his voice thus causing a diversion of sorts.
Warp Wood: The caster can cause a limited amount of wood to warp and bend.
Second Level Enchanter Spells:
Cure Blindness: Cures blindness.
Daze: Will cause those affected to do one of several things. They may attack their enemies, their friends, or run away.
Detect Secret: Will increase the parties chance of discovering secret areas.
Monster Summoning I: Will summon creatures form the void to fight for the caster during battle.
Stinking Cloud: Will cause a cloud of noxious vapor to appear. Those that enter and do not save will become helpless.
Suggestion: Allows the caster to enter into the mind of someone he is talking ideas that may not be their own.
Vorpal Plate: Will make those affected harder to hit in combat.
Third Level Enchanter Spells:
Arcanic Bubble: Will allow the caster to absorb spell points from magical attacks that affect the caster. The caster will still be subject to the affects of these attacks.
Blink: Allows the caster to teleport during battle. The caster will still be able to perform some type of physical action after teleporting such as attacking with a weapon.
Enchanted Blades: The same as enchanted blade but with improved targeting capabilities.
Identify: Will reveal the true identity of an object.
Monster Summoning II: Will summon more powerful creatures than Monster Summoning I.
Power Drain: Will drain spell points from the target.
Power Surge: Will infuse the target will additional spell points.
Stone Shape: Will allow the caster to shape a small amount of stone into a desired shape.
Fourth Level Enchanter Spells:
Flesh to Stone: Will petrify am enemy causing their death.
Major Vorpal Plate: Similar to Vorpal Plate but with improved targeting capabilities.
Mind Blank: Will stupefy the target making it impossible for that enemy to cast spells.
Minor Attack Deflector: Will cause physical attacks to be reflected back and do damage on the attacker.
Monster Summoning III: Will summon more powerful creatures than Monster Summoning II.
Spectral Hut: Will cause a phantom hut to spring up at the location of the casters choice lending shelter from storms and such.
Stone to Flesh: Will cause petrified characters to return to a fleshy state.
Tongues: Will allow the caster to converse with creatures who they otherwise would not be able. It also allows the caster to read a written language.
Warmth: Will reduce damage taken from cold based attacks by 1/2.
Fifth Level Enchanter Spells:
Detect Invisibility: Allows those affected to see invisible creatures thus gaining an attack on those that attempt to break combat and move away. Also useful for see any object that is invisible.
Dispel Magic: Will eliminate any non-permanent magic affecting the targets.
Fear: Causes all those that do not save to run away in fear.
Minor Spell Deflector: Will cause all spell based attacks to be reflected back at the caster.
Missile Screen: Will render those affected immune to all types of missiles. i.e. Arrows, Rocks, Darts, Throwing Stars etc....
Monster Summoning IV: Will summon more powerful creatures than Monster Summoning III.
Power Gather: Those affected will gain spell points at an increased rate.
Power Wither: Those affected will loose spell points over time.
Sixth Level Enchanter Spells:
Animate Dead: Will restore a dead character to 1/10th of their maximum hit points. These characters are not truly alive but in a state of animation. They will not gain any experience nor can they cast spells or use missile weapons. For all practical purposes they are zombies.
Charm Monster: Creatures that do not save (To include any humanoid) will become friendly to the caster and fight for them during combat. The party will gain no experience for any creatures that are charmed at the end of a battle.
Disarm Trap: This is a duel function spell. It both disarms traps and opens locks. The higher the power level the better the chance of success. Even if the disarm trap portion fails the spell may still open the lock. Each portion of the spell is determined seperatly.
Major Attack Deflector: Similar to Minor Attack Deflector but with improved targeting capabilities.
Monster Summoning V: Will summon more powerful creatures than Monster Summoning IV.
Polymorph Other: This spell will cause an enemy that does not save to be transformed into some other type of creature. Beware, the new creature could be considerably weaker or stronger than the original. There is no way to tell.
Sentry: When sentry is in effect the party will not be suprised by random battles.
Seventh Level Enchanter Spells:
Mass Morph Other: Similar to Polymorph Other but will improved targeting capabilities.
Major Spell Deflector: Similar to Minor Spell Deflector but will improved targeting capabilities.
Mass Regenerate: Those affected will regenerate stamina at an accelerate rate. This spell will even affect those of elven blood.
Monster Summoning VI: Will summon more powerful creatures than Monster Summoning V.
Raise Dead: This spell will revive a dead character. The dead character must still survive a successful resurrection or be lost forever.
Teleport: Will allow the party to transform to a location that it has been before.
Transverse Plain: Will allow the party to teleport to a different plane of existence such as the abyss or hell.
Wall of Paralysis: Will create a wall of stunning magic that will paralyse any who enter and does not save.